Antonio Nappi was the italian event Director of the International Grand Prix of multihulls - F60

​Photos Gilles Martin-Raget from Repubblica.it
The young frenchman Franck Cammas, skipper of "Groupama 2," won the Italian stage of the international circuit of Multi Cup for trimarans. The strong wind and poor weather conditions did not stop the three catamarans in the race who played five races in the two days of competition.
Fabrizio Dalle Nogare
It ended yesterday, with the dispute of the last two races, the Grand Prix of Trapani, the event reserved for trimarans in full crew living in Trapani spectacular race weekend. After welcoming the boats in the Louis Vuitton Cup in October, the Sicilian city has returned to embrace sailing, by hosting the third event of the Multi Cup 60, the circuit that sees the competition in fast trimarans. Only three boats in the race, "Géant", "Gitana 11" and "Groupama 2", the only entries the Grand Prix of Trapani.
A windy weekend and a very unfavorable weather situation welcomed the boats and crews. For the cancellation of the Friday races, precisely because of the strong winds, has shifted to Saturday the first race of the event. Saturday, June 3 was, Therefore, possible to kick off the race. With the wind blowing at more than 25 knots, the boats raced three races. The first was the preserve of "Géant" by Michel Desjoyeaux, ahead of "Groupama 2" of the young Frenchman Franck Cammas, who then dominated the remaining two races. The wind, Although down from the previous day, there was also on the final day of the Trapani Grand Prix with a speed of 15-20 knots. "Groupama 2" continued its triumphant advance by winning the first of two races of the day ever ahead of "Géant", while the second heat went to "Gitana 11" of Le Peutrec, for the first time this year on the highest step of the podium.
The final ranking was dominated by the trimaran "Groupama 2" by Franck Cammas. In second place came "Géant" for Desjoyeaux and third place went to "Gitana 11" by Frédéric Le Peutrec. "Groupama 2" precedes "Géant" with a lead of 5.5 points also in the overall standings of the Multi Cup 60 which will continue with the fourth event scheduled in the waters of Marseille from June 23 to 25.
Trapani Grand Prix - Final Ranking
1- Franck Cammas (Groupama 2) 27 points
2- Michel Desjoyeaux (Géant) 25 points
3- Frédéric Le Peutrec (Gitana 11) 23 points